11 am

Owners present:



February 25, 2012


Open Meeting:

Board Members Present -

LeRoy Seeley (President), Steve Stemhagen (Vice President), Alice Carey),

Treasurer, (via telephone, Sue Hannah, Secretary, Bob Robinson

Board Members Absent -

Ron Ward, Wilbur Dukes

Minutes from January 2012 meeting accepted.

Treasurers Report:

Bank accounts:

Key Bank

Sound Bank




( 9,858.08) Road repair Collected Balance-in Key Bank


700.00) Pre-paid 2013 dues-in Key Bank




Reserve Acct.

$ 14,615.78

Includes $4,587.17 (2011 bank balance)

Includes $1,648.17 (2011 dues pd in 2012)

Includes $200.00 monthly deposit

Road Repairs:







( 35,457.84) Paid to Northern Asphalt

8,991.51 Due from 19 owners

2012 Spending to date:

2012 Budget



Difference ($694.10)

2012 dues outstanding

$21,642.41 This total does not include: Artley, Brody,

Carlsen (2 lots)

Alice indicated 2 outstanding accounts, ( Artley and Brody), were not submitted to the collection agency.

Alice is also proposing we seek additional legal advice before the contract is signed.

Mrs. Carlsen requested a 2012 dues payment plan and a form was sent to her.

Starting March 1st, members without payment plans for 2012 dues, will be assessed a $30.00 per month late

fee until payment is received in full.

Starting March 1st, members still owing for 2011 Road Repairs Assessment will be assessed $30.00 per month

late fee on their balances until paid in full.

Motion made by Bob Robinson to instruct Collier's to include with the billing, a notice to the

delinquent, that they will incur a $30.00 monthly fee if the entire balance is not paid by May

1,2012, a lien will be placed on their property with lien fees of approximately $500.00, and water

to their property will be turned off. Motion carries.

Modification to the motion was made by Bob Robinson to also include the water disconnect and

reconnect fee of $200.00. Motion carries.

Alice clarified that this is per lot not per member.

Two Payment Plans for 2012 dues were submitted for approval: Kersavage and O'Roke.

Motion made by Sue Hannah to approve two (2) 2012 Payment plans submitted

and O'Roke. Motion carries.

for Kersavage

Treasurers report accepted.

January 2012 Treasurers report accepted.

Special Committee's Report:

The Policy Compliance Committee:

Letters have been sent to Carl Skagg asking him to comply with our By-law: (Article VIII, Section 5, 2. c

Deteriorating and unsafe structures, landscaping on property). We have not received any response from him.

Wilbur Dukes resigned from the committee via Steve Stemhagen.

Motion made by Bob Robinson to reinstate Alice Carey to the Policy Compliance Committee due to

Wilbur Dukes resignation. Motion carries.

Discussion regarding the definition and original intent of the Policy Compliance Committee.

Action item:

Redefine the intent and member structure of the committee.

O'Roke property: Bob Robinson has been appointed to contact Pierce County Building Department.

The board is in agreement that the property is not reasonably maintained per Taylor Bay Beach Club By-laws.

The board and neighbors find the property, in fact, unreasonably objectionable.

Bob read from the By-laws that the board has the right to establish a value for cleanup of a property and file

a lien for that amount.

Action item: A letter will be sent out to Mrs. O'Roke wherein she has 30 days in which to

clean up her property to the satisfaction of the board or face further action by the board.

From the President:

Electric bill for the new pump house reflects a significant drop in usage.

The Sanitary Survey report from Pierce County was received.

The date and place for the Spring Owners meeting is: Saturday, May 5, 2012 at the Longbranch

Community Church.

Old Business:

5 Year Plan: Bob continues to work on the skeleton report for the 5 year plan.

Ken's Report: Ken will begin the initial burn of the burn pile as soon as the fire department authorizes

the permit.

Motion made by Bob Robinson to authorize Ken to begin the burn as soon as possible. Motion


Clarification of the cost for gate clickers discussed.

Unfinished Business:

No reports of any extraordinary or suspicious behavior reported.

New Business:

No board objection to the Hannah's request for a 5th wheel to be placed on their property.

The issue of water leaking on the Cowan's property has been resolved satisfactorily.

New tenants at the Steiners property: A letter will be sent to the Steiners asking them to forward a

Dear Tenant letter to them.

Discussion whether to include the names of individuals in the minutes. The conclusion of the board is

that all names will be entered into the minutes as a matter of record.

Decision of when the board should meet to discuss revision of policies. It was agreed to make this an

agenda item.

Marilyn and Al Hazelquist brought a complaint regarding standing water accumulating after heavy rains

below their driveway.

Action item: Bob and Steve will look at the situation and report on it.

Date of next meeting:

Saturday, March 31, 2012

11 am @ Bob and Barb Robinson's

Meeting adjourned.

Sue Hannah, Secretary